Training Log for shooters
Tillbehör för skytte och skjutbana
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Skrevs av den mycket välkända skyttetränaren Anna Grethe Jeppesen från Norge.Hon är en A-certifierad ISSF-COACH.Exercise diary for shooters - Only available in English languageThis book is a useful tool for those who want to take it to the next level. It helps you create structure, whether you have much or little time for exercise. The book is date independent, meaning you can start the diary when ever you want. It also means you can take breaks and continue where you left off.The book challenges your mindset and will make you reflect on your training and competitions. It will keep you busy with work and remind you of what to practice!Keep track of what to train, why and howStart recording your training from day oneContains 52 weekly reports and 12 monthly statisticsContains dedicated pages to build motivation in your workoutsOwn section of statistics and results pages that summarize your history and progress